Brace Yourself: We Found The Most Dreamy Christmas Cabin

Brace Yourself: We Found The Most Dreamy Christmas Cabin

CCENTDecember can be a stressful time for Christmas, filled with jam-packed schedules, shopping for gifts, and a holiday party penciled into every night of every weekend—all while trying to find a moment to enjoy in the season. The perfect place to do that? Peyton and Shelly Boles’ cozy Texas cabin.

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To put it lightly, Peyton and Shelly’s home looks like something straight out of a Christmas movie. Vintage ornaments, faux fur, twinkle lights, ceiling-high Christmas trees… all rolled into their incredible cabin—it’s the stuff dreams are made of.

Peyton and Shelly talked to us all about how they decorate for Christmas, how they shop for decor, and what their Christmas morning looks like.

Name: Peyton (daughter) & Shelly (mom) Boles, Owners of Bob & Ginger Co.
Location: Hill Country, Texas
Sq. Ft: 3,000

When do you start decorating for the holidays?

Most years we begin decorating after Thanksgiving, but the past two years we’ve started in early November.

Do you have any holiday traditions that are special to you?

We do have our traditions of cooking and baking together. We love late-night Christmas shopping and planning our holiday designs, but we also try new things every year, and sometimes that’s the best part. This year we pulled out old holiday records to play while we decorate or bake.

Do you have any tips for readers who may live in smaller apartments (and who are on a budget) who might not be able to decorate to their heart’s desire?

Yes! Bring in greenery from outside, or sometimes you can find free clippings at tree farms or Home Depot. All you need is a good pair of sheers and zip ties to make your own garland or wreaths. Twinkle lights are very inexpensive and make things instantly cozy. Also, low lighting and candles are an easy way to add ambiance during the season.

What was your childhood home decorated like at the holidays, compared to your own as an adult? Did you take any influence from your childhood when putting your own together?

One of us grew up in the ’70s and one from the ’90s. I believe we took a combination from both of those decades and evolved. We have always loved adding color in our Christmas decor and wrapping presents—which is not the norm. We tend to lean toward vintage ornaments and unique statement pieces that will last for years.

How has decorating for the holidays evolved over the years for you?

Over the years, we started to buy less and bring the outside in with greenery and fruits for color. One thing that never changes is our love for vintage ornaments, faux fur, and twinkle lights.

Have you slowly been collecting your holiday decor over the years, or did you purchase it all at once?

We re-use all the Christmas decorations we have been collecting for many years and add just a little to the collection each year.

Do you have a favorite ornament on your tree?

Our favorite is a handmade, vintage angel tree topper we use every year.

Overall, what’s your favorite thing about celebrating in your home?

We love being together as a family and the slower pace of the season. The memories we make are always the best part of the holiday season. Christmas Eve is especially a favorite in our home, there is just something that feels magical about that night no matter how old you get.

What does your Christmas morning look like?

Christmas morning at the cabin starts with a long breakfast, hot coffee on the back porch, and a Christmas movie; a slow morning, feeling especially grateful for our family.

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